Container Garden Design: Hibiscus

by Ashley Cotter-Cairns
(Container Gardening For You)

Pictures of Flowers: A = Hibiscus

Container Garden Design: A = Hibiscus

Image used under a creative commons licence with the kind permission of mj. and Flickr

One hibiscus plant is all that is needed for a large container to create a tropical, exotic feel.

The tomato red flowers seem to pop out against the dark green glossy leaves.

When selecting hibiscus to plant in containers, remember that not all varieties are winter-hardy.

If you choose to plant a tropical variety (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis), you will have to bring it indoors during winter months. However, hardy hibiscus (Hibiscus Moscheutos) will survive winters in areas as cold as USDA 5.

Hibiscus dies to the ground during winter and is slow to emerge in spring, as it needs warm soil temperatures to start growing, but when it does, it will reward you with huge blooms during summer and early fall, ranging in size from six to twelve inches in diameter.

You can plant them in full sun to part shade, in rich potting mix with organic matter worked into it. Keep it moist at all times. They are disease-resistant, but keep an eye out for Japanese beetle attacking your hibiscus.Want more? Use the arrows below to see more lovely container garden designs, all with identified plants and care advice.

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Comments for Container Garden Design: Hibiscus

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Feb 19, 2015
this is a lovely flower
by: darren bravo

Hibiscus is one of those flowers, which actually grow at any condition. I have planted a number of pots in my roof. It grows with a little help. I love watching them grow so fast and beautiful.

Feb 19, 2015
by: frankeinstein

Wow that is a good idea to plant this Hibiscus plant. I love these plant a lot. I will tell you guys a secret of this plant. The hibiscus flower juice can be mixed in hair oils to get beautiful shiny hair.

Sep 19, 2013
Thank you for showing us the Loop of pages
by: Gen YC

Hi Ashley
I thought I'd go check on how you built your "loop of doom" really, the loop of pages.
I can see how you used the C 2.0. Ah ha! Yes, I now get what you're talking about...and I like these arrows you have at the bottom of the page.

I thought your webinar today was excellent with a lot of useful, practical material.

Looking at your pages, I "get it".

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