Container Gardening Ideas: Broken Doll's Head Used as Planter!
by Ashley Cotter-Cairns
(Container Gardening For You)
If you're looking for original container garden ideas, then it pays to use your head...
Container Gardening Ideas: Broken Doll's Head Used as Planter!
Image used under a creative commons
licence with the kind permission of Tenuki
Handcrafts and Flickr
We're getting into David Cronenberg territory here! This one is going to give
you nightmares for a while.
The single, staring, shocking pink eye is particularly disturbing to me for some
It takes a special kind of mind to see a broken
and think of it as a smart place to plant something. But I have to applaud the imagination that led to this strange
container garden.
Still, this little project is focusing on weird and wonderful recycled planters, and this
is certainly an original use for an old child's toy. (And you thought the Barbie Convertible Dream Car planter was
From the looks of the photo, the doll's brain has been replaced by some kind of dwarf shrub.
Anybody able to identify the plant for me? If so, please post a comment at the end of the page.
Please use
the Comments form at the bottom of the page to leave your feedback about this oddity, definitely a 10 on the
Nutso scale of unusual planters, or click the arrows to see more unusual container gardening planters,
including various toilets, sinks and bathtubs, a shopping cart, boots and a Model T Ford truck!
More Great Container Gardening Ideas
Read our article on odd and creative ideas for container gardening
planters, and find out all the crazy things people grow their flowers in!