by Ashley Cotter-Cairns
(Container Gardening For You)
Fairy Garden Ideas: Eco-Camouflage House
Image used under a creative commons licence with the kind
permission of Clarissa Peterson and
Okay, maybe I'm trying to draw in more males to take part in what is, undoubtedly, a female craft.
Less pink, less fairies, more scavenged items, and little handmade monsters (or any action figures lying
around the house, if that works).
I know my three boys will love to create their own fairy scene, but NOT if
I call it that. I'm thinking 'Wildling Woods' or 'Magic Mudhouses' or something like that. Any ideas? Get inspired! We have tons more Fairy Flower Garden ideas. Just use the arrows below to click forward or
back between the pages, and if you love something, please leave a comment using the link at the end of every page.
Read our article on lovely Fairy Garden ideas, and get inspired to put some magic into your home or garden!